NZOHNA Inc offers you support in attaining and / or maintaining professional competence to practice Occupational Health Nursing in New Zealand.
Please click the button below to go to the Membership Application Form.
Membership Benefits
- The opportunity to join with professional members at local NZOHNA Group forums
- Short Takes newsletter as published
- Access to the 'member only' section of the NZOHNA website
- Professional members can purchase insurance via the Insurance Scheme designed for and discounted for NZOHNA members including Professional Indemnity and Public Liability (Download Insurance Information and Application form). Application Form
- Subsidised registration fee to attend the annual NZOHNA conference
- The opportunity to engage and network with allied occupational health organisations
- The opportunity to attend local study days organised by local NZOHNA Groups
- The opportunity to engage preceptor support
- Lesleigh Jones Travel Scholarship
- Advocacy through the work undertaken by members of National Executive on policy development and submissions
- Advocacy through members invitation to contribute to national advisory groups
NZOHNA Inc offers the following categories of membership:
Professional Membership (2023-2024 Annual Individual Membership is $200 plus GST)
(i) To qualify for professional membership a person must be a Registered Nurse and hold a current practicing certificate as a Registered Nurse under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003.
(ii) Their principal occupation is that of an Occupational Health Nurse or an associated occupation in health and safety.
(iii) They must be able to demonstrate a minimum of competence practice in the delivery of occupational health outputs, evidenced through a competent or higher level NZOHNA Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) or other recognised relevant clinical Competency Framework.
Registered NZOHNA Member (2023-2024 Annual Individual Membership is $200 plus GST)
(i) To qualify for registered membership a person must be a Registered Nurse and hold a practicing certificate as a registered Nurse under the Health Practitioner Competence Assurance Act 2023.
(ii) Their principal occupation is that of an Occupational Health Nurse or an associated occupation in health and safety.
(iii) When the member completes their KSF to competent or higher they will be moved to Professional NZOHNA membership status.
Associate Membership (2023-2024 Annual Individual Membership is $100 plus GST plus GST)
(i) Persons who are Enrolled Nurses and hold a current practicing certificate as an Enrolled Nurse under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 and whose principal occupation is occupational health nursing or an associated occupation in health and safety.
(ii) Persons with an interest in occupational health or work in other fields of community health, such as public health, or general practice may be eligible, at the discretion of the National Executive.
(iii) A nurse that is no longer working in the occupational field but wishes to maintain current knowledge.
(iv) An Occupational Health Nurse practicing outside New Zealand.
Retired NZOHNA Member
(i) Retired Nurse is a registered nurse who has retired from Occupational Health Nursing and no longer holds a current practicing certificate but wishes to remain an active member of NZOHNA. A Retired Nurse will be entitled to Associate Member benefits and roles. They will pay the associate rate.
Honorary Membership
(i) Any full member may be proposed as an Honorary Member by the local group for services rendered to the Association and be elected at the discretion of the National Executive, subject to specific criteria documented in the NZOHNA Constitution.
Application for membership must be made by clicking on the Membership Form button at the top of the page.